Friday, April 29, 2011


What is Depression ? - a hollow or low place a sense of being weighed down, a heaviness pressing in on you, an Emotional Strong hold.
1 Peter 5:7 amp - Casting the whole of your care ( all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all ) on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.

The cares of life are designed to weigh you down. That's because we were not designed to carry them.
The Word of God says to CAST that means to Fling or to Throw, give your every care to God, He can handle them you can't.

Now that's Good News that we have help.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

'' MARRIAGE '' How To Make It Work

Please Remember This: God's Love NEVER EVER FAILS.
If you have Challenges in your Marriage Relationship,
Know This: Unconditional Love will Swallow them up and Spit them out.
If each Partner would show LOVE one to another without Reservations,
the Marriage Partnership will last FOREVER.
This is TRULY how to make it work. The Choice for making your marriage work,
is up to the TWO of  you to make it work. YOU CAN DO IT.

How   To   Make   It   Work

IF   IT   IS   TO   BE   IT   IS   UP   TO   ME 

Friday, April 15, 2011

'' MARRIAGE '' How To Make It # 2

Marriage is Honorable and God Ordained Marriage Exclusively between
a Husband and His Wife. Marriage Partners must learn to show an Attitude
of Gratiude toward one another. After all each Partner has something to offer.
Remember Marriage should  be  a Give and Receive Communion between a
Husband and his Wife.

I honestly believe and I am experiencing for myself that if each Partner would treat
one another with these Ten Steps of Commitment, It Will Work For You.

1.  Touch each other with an none sexual and sexual touch
2.   Listen to each other on purpose and patiently
3.   Spend time alone, all by yourself and, spend time alone together
4.   Encourage one another with loving words
5.   Except each other unconditionally
6.   Be committed to each other
7.   Talk about your financial status together, presence and future
8.   Make each other your top priority
9.   Laugh with one another, it's good medicine
10. You both must agree to be each others best friend

IF   IT   IS   TO   BE   IT   IS   UP   TO   ME   

Thursday, April 7, 2011

'' MARRIAGE '' How To Make It Work

Dear Valued Readers:
Marriage can and will work IF , there's that condition word again, IF we work it.
IF, means we have to do something. You can turn your Marriage around IF,
you take the first step. I believe,  IF we all Practice this step, we can turn things
around in our Marriages.
Let's use the Bible as our guide for Behavior: ( Matthew 7:12 ) In Everything,
do to and for others ( your mate ) what you would have them do to and for you.
The Golden Rule is this: Treat your mate the way you want them to treat you.
RETALIATION is Unacceptable.
Remember This: ( Galatians 6: 7 ) Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for
whatsoever a man ( Husband or Wife ) soweth, that shall he reap.
WHATSOEVER, you Sow you will Reap.
WHATSOEVER, you Plant you will Harvest.
WHATSOEVER, you Give you will Get.
Marriage is Always Give and Take.
IF    IT    IS    TO    BE    IT    IS    UP    TO    ME